【POKEMON SCARLET】pink guy knows no mercy
Calli’s Nuzlocke Rules:
-Any Pokémon that faints must be released or boxed permanently. It is considered “gone to the shadow realm” for the rest of the challenge.
-Only the first wild Pokémon encountered in a route or area can be caught. If the player fails to catch it (ie. it flees or faints), their opportunity to catch a Pokémon in that area is lost.
-The player must nickname all Pokémon they catch or obtain.
-Only one healing item per battle, per Pokemon.
-Duplicate clause: If the first Pokémon in an area is one the player already owns, they may continue battling until they encounter one they do not own, and then attempt to catch it. This rule prevents a player from having multiples of the same Pokémon, especially early in the game when the selection of different Pokémon on the first few routes is limited.
-Shiny Clause: If the player encounters a shiny wild Pokémon, they may catch it, even if a wild Pokémon has already been encountered in that area. This does not count as the encounter for that area.
NEW MV: https://youtu.be/DOJOaq22nug
#MoriCalliope Major 1st ALBUM
Released on Dec 16th worldwide!
詳細はこちら: https://www.universal-music.co.jp/mori-calliope/news/2022-10-11/
#MoriCalliope Major 1st ALBUM
Released on Dec 16th worldwide!
CD pre-orderhttps://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
First-Press Limited Special Edition with a T-shirt
First-Press Limited Edition
Standard Edition
more info: https://www.universal-music.co.jp/mori-calliope/news/2022-10-11-3/
assets!! https://twitter.com/Mariel_VT/status/1592193015552016384?s=20&t=q-O0Chtjy2PEgomKbG9ANA
This game is streamed in accordance with a special live broadcast campaign with Niconico, after confirming with DWANGO Co., Ltd.
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