let the waves wash away all the pain of yesterday 💙 underwater has always been a favorite place of mine! this piece is like an offering to Atlantis itself, a prayer to the mermaids, a kiss for the fish ( ˘ ³˘)♥

i’ve rarely struggled to find the perfect imagery for a song as much as i have here – not because i couldn’t find one, but because i was FLOODED with possibilities! ressa themselves described it as “inspired by the depths of the ocean” and i can’t say i did it perfect justice. so if you wanna do me a personal favor, everybody go and leave them a nice comment & some appreciation (∩´ω`)∩ i need them to know their work is loved all over the world!

れっさーえんぴつ on
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-853987503
twitter: https://twitter.com/monokurom2

image by yae: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/68267298

my twitter: https://twitter.com/psithur_sounds

I own none of the works on display, neither the music, nor the artwork. This upload is for ad-free, non-profit distribution purposes only. All rights reserved to the creator.