ー Turn on captions for Japanese & romaji lyrics. Hopefully, it’s correct.
Note: It’s funny how I got a copyright from a person who uploads the song, “MELO☆MELO MELTDOWN !!” first. [I can assume what it is but…] I shouldn’t feel too doubtful about it. I got my (Yonder Voice, etc.) CD today + wrote a Request Retraction/Counter-notification. Hopefully, he/she will respond soon & understand.
— — —
Anyway, I have been waiting for this for a while. I have always enjoyed listening to “Lullaby of Deserted Hell” arranges- & Yaoshanbailing (including the arranger, Zris) did a wonderful job singing this song.

* Thanks to Petalite Yuu for the [TRANSCRIPTION] of “The Red Brick Land.”

► Purchase their album at :

× This album genre contained – Vocal, Electro, Electronic, and Rock Arrangements.


♢ Title : 赤煉瓦の国
ー Track 02.
♢ Album : ヴァイス・シュヴァルツ
♢ Circle : Yonder Voice
♢ Release Date : 2018-08-10「Comiket 94」

☯ Original : 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
ー 1st —)) 廃獄ララバイ(Lullaby of Deserted Hell)/ Stage 5 Theme

▽ Characters :
ー Rin Kaenbyou「火焔猫 燐」
ー Utsuho Reiuji「霊烏路 空」

♬ Vocal : 瑶山百霊「Yaoshanbailing」
♬ Lyrics : Jell
♬ Arrangement : Zris
〜 Original Music Composer : ZUN「上海アリス幻樂団」

* Website : http://yvepn0004.tumblr.com/
* Picture Artist (Pixiv) : 東天紅
* Illustration : https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68337094

⇨ Note : If the music, artwork or anything inside this video is yours and want the video to be taken down, please contact or message me in the comment area below. ✘

Thank You.

— I don’t own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing! —

You can contact me at : hinanawixtenshi@gmail.com