

Please feel free to leave down a comment!
Most of the time will stream in Japanese,
but 廣東話, English and 中文 are also available!

00:00 Start
05:15 Warm up (Team death match)
13:45 1st Competitive (Heaven)
53:50 2nd Competitive (Bind)
01:31:44 Small talk



All SNS https://lit.link/nekofancier

Archives https://bit.ly/3cGFikU

Goods https://nekofancier.booth.pm/

Donation box https://ko-fi.com/nekofancier

Marshmallow https://marshmallow-qa.com/nekofancier

Twitter tag ▷ #あのねホタルちゃん


🦜Fandom name💡




❶ 所有活動都是自娛自樂,請不要抱太大的期望。
❷ 會努力讀留言但總是會看漏的,希望大家體諒。
❸ 請大家和平相處,留言時請保持友善、尊重。
❹ 請不要洗版或談論政治等敏感話題。
❺ 不適當的言論會直接刪掉,嚴重的話會禁言。
❻ 請避免提起其他歌い手 / V大大的名字。
❼ 亦請不要在其他創作者的影片或直播提及我。
❽ 不好意思規則比較多,謝謝大家的理解和配合。


🦜Chat Rules💡

❶ All activities are for self entertainment, please do not put too much expectations on me
❷ I will try my best to read all your messages, please forgive me if I miss some
❸ Please be nice and respect other viewers when leaving comments
❹ Please do not spam or discuss unrelated topics
❺ Inappropriate comments will be deleted without warning. In serious cases, you may even be banned.
❻ Please avoid bringing up other Utaite / Vtuber
❼ Please do not mention my name in other creators’ streams or videos
❽ My apologies for having so many rules. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.



Mama – 遺伝子ひな

Papa – 星宮みづき

Animation Background – 花杜ゆのき


🦜Opening song💡

茶葉のぎか – Confectioner

🦜Royalty Free BGM💡

샛별 – 이런 계란후라이
   Apple Cinnamon
   해가 지는 게 섭섭해

🦜Ending song💡

柊 羽音 – sugar popcorn

