ー 3 fairies of Light and Eurobeat, I wonder…
Crazy Beats is back to bring us delicious Touhou Eurobeats arrangements!

► Purchase their album at :

× This album genre contained – Vocal & Eurobeat Arrangements.


♢ Title : ナカノヒト
ー Track 3.
♢ Album : 頭文字T T-SELECTION Vol.10
♢ Circle : Crazy Beats
♢ Release Date : 2019-12-31「Comiket 97」

☯ Original : 妖精大戦争 ~ 東方三月精
ー 1st —)) 年中夢中の好奇心 (Year-Round Absorbed Curiosity) / Stage 2 Theme

▽ Characters :
ー Sunny Milk「サニーミルク」
ー Luna Child「ルナチャイルド」
ー Star Sapphire「スターサファイア」

♬ Vocal : 花たん
♬ Lyrics : さいとうかおり
♬ Arrangement : Tsukasa
〜 Original Music Composer : ZUN「上海アリス幻樂団」

* Website : http://crazy-beats.jp/cbit0021/
* Picture Artist (Pixiv) : 和茶
* Illustration : https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=41189672

⇨ Note : If the music, artwork or anything inside this video is yours and wants the video to be taken down, please contact or message me in the comment area below. ✘

Thank You.

— I don’t own anything in the video, including the audio and picture. The credits go to the respective owners. This video is purely fan-made and will not be used for profit or illegal sharing! —

You can contact me at : hinanawixtenshi@gmail.com