“Sakura Rising with Amy Lee of EVANESCENCE”

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Limited Event for Shin Yaeryu Premium Fan Club Members

The WagakkiBand fan club event, which had been canceled due to the declaration of emergency, will be held on Sunday April 4, 2021 with no audience, marking the first performance first since the band’s transfer.

The event is limited to members of the annual subscription fan club “Shin Yaeryu PREMIUM”, but this time members of the monthly fan club “Shin Yaeryu DIGITAL” will also be able to watch the event during the archival period.

“Shin Yae-ryu DIGITAL” can be joined from abroad.
See here for entry! 
⇒ https://digital.wagakkiband.com/about/membership

Click here for details on DIGITAL member archive tickets.
⇒ https://wagakkiband.com/contents/408374


[Follow us]
New Official HP : https://wagakkiband.com/
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXYztmiId4iVgfx3wY-WnZQ/?sub_confirmation=1
Twitter : https://twitter.com/WagakkiBand
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wagakkiband/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WagakkiBand
LINE : https://page.line.me/wagakkiband
