
曖昧劣情Lover / koyori(電ポルP) 様

自分サン https://twitter.com/iijk_


渇いた恋心を隠して 憂う目に
Hiding my thirsty feelings of love, in eyes filled with sorrow

Flattery is something I dislike, but

I dislike it, yet…

叶うなら 指先で触れたいよ
If it could come true, I want to touch it with my fingertips

夢なら 笑顔なのにさ
Even if it’s a dream, it’s a smile

たぶん あんたに愛を伝えても
Maybe, even if I express my love to you

たぶん あんたは優しく笑う
Maybe, you’ll smile gently

“でもね・・・けどさ・・・” はっきり言え
“But… well…” Say it clearly

Playing with a teasing attitude

I always end up forgiving you

やっかい でっかい 病にかかる
Troublesome, it’s a big, incurable ailment

好きさ 好きなのさ 愛してる
I like you, I really do, I love you

千回唱えても 零みたいな魔法
Even if I repeat it a thousand times, it’s a magic like zero

泳いだ瞳は隠し切れない 本当の事
Eyes that swam can’t completely conceal the truth

満たして欲しい あんたの言葉で
I want to be fulfilled with your words

ねぇ 曖昧な言葉で
Hey, with ambiguous words

出来るなら すぐに呼び止めたいよ
If I can, I want to stop you right away

夢なら 素直なのにさ
Even if it’s a dream, it’s so straightforward

当然 あんたは何も知らないで
Naturally, you don’t know anything

Naturally, you smile kindly

でもね それが心にくる
But you know, that hits me in the heart

Confused by your innocent attitude

I’m always thinking about you

Seems like I just can’t do anything about it after all

好きさ 好きなのさ 愛してる
I like you, I really do, I love you

何回唱えても 馬鹿みたいな魔法
No matter how many times I repeat it, it’s a magic like foolishness

感情 愛情 その他諸々を
Emotions, affections, and all the rest

I don’t know で決め込む苦労
I struggle deciding with “I don’t know”

分かる? でもね それが良いの
Do you understand? But you know, it’s fine that way

Playing with a teasing attitude

I always end up forgiving you

やっかい でっかい 病は続く
Troublesome, the big, incurable ailment continues

好きさ 好きなのさ 愛してる
I like you, I really do, I love you

千回唱えても 何回唱えても
Even if I repeat it a thousand times, no matter how many times

きっと届かぬ 馬鹿みたいな恋
It’s surely an unreachable, foolish kind of love
