
傘村トータ様’s YouTube

X: https://twitter.com/nanaco_41n

Mixer: やっすん様
X: https://twitter.com/yassun_mix

Editor: 宮崎駿になれない様




When I lost my ex boyfriend due to his cancer, I did not know what to do
I wished that he was here and stay with me , but that dream is impossible to be come true
I decided to sing when I feel sad about him
Music and singing always help me to overcome from sorrows(*´ω`*)

Do you have an forgettable people or things that will not come back forever?
Do you think about them so much so that you cannot recover?
If you are that kind of person, you do not have to worry about yourself
Everyone has same problems, so we feel depressed
It is okay! Sometimes we need that time to recall good or bad memories:)
If I regret for something, I think it is my best timing to change myself in a good way
(Sometimes that changes let me fail, but that is me haha)

His music, Tota Kasamura, taught me how to interact with people and say thank you for having a relationship with me
His music is my teacher hehe

I really appreciate that I am alive in this world, and able to sing my favorite music
Thank you for listening as always and being supporters of me

Love you all hehe


X: https://twitter.com/oceanloveperson

みに来れたらぜひ!歌を歌ってるよ~ たまにお話 睡眠導入枠もやってます:)
Talking broadcast app -Let’s chat or sing with me!-↓
ツイキャスTwitCasting: https://twitcasting.tv/c:oceanshioncas

ここでは歌ってるよ!I am singing sometimes here, in this app↓
REALITY: https://reality.app/profile/0203c150?adj_t=8ogcewh_z9yhix5