Original: CHRYSALIS – Song of Perdition

I was SO EXCITED when I discovered this song by Ying and Diego!! I absolutely love everything about it and looped it already over a month😭 always appreciating when discovering masterpieces like this
I hope you’d enjoy my cover as well, thank you so much for listening!
Please also check out the original and people involved, they’re really amazing ♡

お久しぶりです!今回は崩壊3rdのファンソング「Chrysalis」をカバーさせて頂きました!この曲に出会えた時すごく衝撃を受けました…!好みのど真ん中すぎて、もう一ヶ月以上ループしてます笑 やっとまたカバー動画ができて嬉しいよおお!他にもPatternsさんと新曲出してますので、ぜひチェックしてね!〜 😊


【Original Credits】
■ Producer: frayref
■ Vocals, Lyrics, Melody. » Ying – 莺
■ Music Production (Arrangement, Composing): PrettyPatterns
■ Direction: seol
■ Illustration: klaeia
■ Mix: Aruvn
■ Movie: Alchiet

【Cover Credits】
■ Vocals: RINO
■ Instrumental: Pretty Patterns
■ Mix: Feifei

My social media :3
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU_LyNv2C0KFo086CYRgg0Q
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rino_065
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rino_o65/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rino_o65

#chrysalis #honkaiimpact3rd #cover