

①【LIVE】ゴーストルール / DECO*27 – cover –
③【LIVE】地球最後の告白を / kemu – cover - (未公開)

□ Original: 負けないで / ZARD

This song is one of the famous cheering songs in Japan.

□ 音源: カラオケ歌っちゃ王 様より拝借

□ Vocal: にゃーま
🏠 https://www.youtube.com/@Nyama_vocal
X https://twitter.com/Nya_ma216

□ Key: Original

□ 歌詞
ふとした瞬間に 視線がぶつかる
幸福のときめき 覚えているでしょ
あの日のように 輝いてる あなたでいてね

負けないで もう少し
最後まで 走り抜けて
どんなに 離れてても
心は そばにいるわ
追いかけて 遥かな夢を

何が起きたって ヘッチャラな顔して
どうにかなるサと おどけてみせるの
今も そんなあなたが好きよ 忘れないで

負けないで ほらそこに
どんなに 離れてても
心は そばにいるわ
感じてね 見つめる瞳

□ lyrics
Don’t Give Up

You must remember the excitement of happiness
When our eyes suddenly met
Like that day you were in love with pastelcolored seasons
I want to see you shine the way you did
Please don’t give up
Keep running to the last
No matter how far we are
My heart will stay beside yours
Chase after a far-off dream
You always play it cool no matter what happens
And play a joke or two saying it’ll be alright
“Would you dance with me tonight?”
I still like the way you are, please don’t forget
Please don’t give up
The goal is near
No matter how far we are
My heart will stay beside yours
Please feel my gaze to look at you
Please don’t give up
Keep running to the last
No matter how far we are
My heart will stay beside yours
Chase after a far-off dream
Please don’t give up
The goal is near
No matter how far we are
My heart will stay beside yours
Please feel my gaze to look at you
