【 #進撃の巨人 / #BangDream / #AttackonTitan】
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Ayasa channel Vol. 5!

This time it’s the OP “Red Lotus Archer” from the anime “Shingeki no Kyojin”!
It’s a very cool song, so I greedily tried to play the keyboard solo and guitar solo as well.
I’m looking forward to the second season of the anime, which will air next year.
The song was performed for the first time at a solo live on October 19th, and I’m wearing the same outfit and effectors I wore at the time.
I hope you enjoy listening to it.

Ayasa channel第5弾!!

この曲を初披露させていただいた先日10月19日のワンマンライブの時の衣装+エフェクターを使いつつお送りします^ ^
by Ayasa

⚡️『ANISONG COVER NIGHT Vol.4』2021/05/22ON SALE!!

💴¥3,000 (JPY / tax included)
◉[ 収録曲 ]
M1. マリオネット https://youtu.be/l1L2G7K59dU
M2. God Knows… https://youtu.be/x2OdAawTpXk
M3. 君がいない未来 https://youtu.be/k9lYnG97E50
M4. WILD EYES https://youtu.be/C38v0lVvwUE
M5. REVIVER https://youtu.be/1oE2IEr5oeQ
M6. この世界で https://youtu.be/rjxqKuAUQ_s
M7. D-tecnoLife https://youtu.be/SFh2fXpWrk8
M8. Magia https://youtu.be/R-xYL97pNxY
M9. ハレ晴レユカイ https://youtu.be/Cbj6NeSn1iI
M10. This game https://youtu.be/C1quIlIpaBU
M11. Ref-rain https://youtu.be/GpISVjeiy6k
M12. DADDY!DADDY!DO! https://youtu.be/IUfb6Ac2Sz4
M13. 夜に駆ける https://youtu.be/suTidytnw2w
M14. ノスタルジックレインフォール https://youtu.be/VO8PyYU0Jyg
M15. 海色 https://youtu.be/QoZEa2e6vgQ