a little more chipper and silly, but i totally fell in love with it ♥ i dare you not to bounce along to it, especially once it really takes off

if you’re looking for more European-folk style of tunes, Mizusato delivers that with grandeur. i’m especially excited for any upcoming songs, with a more refined and fleshed out production quality

buy the album ‘Colours’: https://acua-piece.bandcamp.com/album/colours

Mizusato on
bandcamp: https://acua-piece.bandcamp.com/music
soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/aaer
twitter: https://twitter.com/acua_piece

image by Oharu-Chan: https://twitter.com/ohr_cn

my twitter: https://twitter.com/psithur_sounds

I own none of the works on display, neither the music, nor the artwork. This upload is for ad-free, non-profit distribution purposes only. All rights reserved to the creator.