
it’s been a whole (2) years since i last covered an amatsuki song and i feel as though i have betrayed my favorite utaite so august will be a very amatsuki filled cover month….!!! please look forward to it!! i remember first hearing this song on amatuski’s 1st album hello, world ages ago and i’ve loved it since then,, i was so happy to see he re-sang it (on my birthday too!!) with a new pv too a few years ago and i’m glad i got around to singing it myself!!

ニコニコ動画 → https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm39157358


■ 本家様

■ vocal
Sokei https://www.youtube.com/c/sokei​​  (mylist/54793642) @its_sokei

■ mix
chain. https://www.youtube.com/user/hakomorin  @floraliese

#コスモノート #天月 #歌ってみた