hello!! I’ve finally covered mafumafu’s berserk!!

I’ve wanted to cover this song since it came out but it took me a whole 5 years!!! to (kinda… almost?) get the vocal range for it T__T see you in another 5 years when this is a little more doable?!

ニコニコ動画 → https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm38694102


■ original
music, lyrics : まふまふ

■ vocal
Sokei https://www.youtube.com/c/sokei​​ (mylist/54793642) @its_sokei

■ mix
RERO(main) https://twitter.com/RcCovers
Delvirta(tune) https://www.youtube.com/user/delvirta

#ベルセルク​​ #まふまふ​​ #歌ってみた