このエピソードは街の明かりをつける仕事をしてる人と王子のお話なんだけど、疲れている人の話きいてると自分もその人と同じ場所にいて一緒に頑張れたらな〜って思うよね。 その人が少しでも楽になるならわしその人のために一生懸命働く笑

地理学者とはどういう人物で、どのようなことをしてるか知ってる上で話すのも大事よね☺️ 王子様のこと読んでいて思ったんだけれど、彼は考えるより行動や言動が先に出てしまっているから、大人になることを学ぶのが彼にとっていいことになるよね☺️

This chapter was about the lamplighter and the little prince.
The lamplighter seemed so tired in this story so that I wanted to cover and help with his job.
When we share one tiring job, we can finish it easer and faster hehe

Another chapter was about a geographer and thr little prince.
I learned that I should know what kind of job he does and comprehend the content before I talk to him. In that way, I can talk with him on topic 😌 The little prince is cute, but I thought he needs to learn to be an adult. When he knows how to think before talking, he will be a entrepreneur😂
I am not good at thinking and organizing before I talk. I will try to do that in my dailylife✌️


Twitter: https://twitter.com/oceanloveperson

Talking broadcast app-Let’s chat with me!-

ここでは歌ってるよ!I am singing sometimes here, in this app↓
REALITY: https://reality.app/profile/0203c150?adj_t=8ogcewh_z9yhix5