



◆総合タグ: #夜絆ニウ
◆配信タグ: #ニウなう
◆FAタグ: # よづにゃーと
◆ファンネーム: # よづなかま



============ English ============

I’m Yozuna Niu, one of the first generation members of Neo-Porte!

*I’m not good with English but I’ll do my best to learn, so English comments are welcome !

《My stream》
◆Youtube : horror games, APEX, Splatoon, Minecraft, other games, ASMR, singing streams, and I’ll be chatting!
◆Twitch : A sub-stream site where we basically play games, talk, and watch parties without being aware of the archives!

《About Membership》
◆Members only stream will include singing, chatting, drawing stream, and advice on your problems! I may talk about behind the scenes…? Basically, I love with everyone in the stream screen that focuses on the atmosphere.
◆You’ll be able to watch an archive of ASMR and Singing streams you streamed publicly over a week ago, as well as an archive of TwitCasting!
◆Hand-drawn stamps will be updated as needed!
◆Enlist URL:

《Niu’s SNS》
◆Twitch :
◆Twitter :
◆TikTok :

◆General tags : # 夜絆ニウ
◆Distribution tag : # ニウなう
◆FA tag : # よづにゃーと
◆Fan name : # よづなかま
◆Fan mark : 🐁

◆Twitter : rel=”nofollow”>
◆Site: https ://
◆E-mail :