Fukase→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l95DOp23C0k
Gumi→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scpu6fB4waA

Mixer: やっすん様
X: https://twitter.com/yassun_mix

Editor: 宮崎駿になれない様

彼のX: https://x.com/Sato__niconico/status/1284427823403479045?s=20

実は最初に録ったハモリパートが全く合わなかったため、全部一から録りなおしています笑 録る時間は長くなったけれどより質が上がったような気がしています

Some of my gaming friends and listeners are having a COVID-19 or cold, so I wish they can have a relaxing time by listening to this song
Thanks to my old friend, Sato-san, I could know such a nice song like this
I hope you all like this song

I did retake all the parts because the first take did not match well with the main vocal part haha
It took a long time to recording again, but I think that retake made my recording better


Twitter: https://twitter.com/oceanloveperson

みに来れたらぜひ!歌を歌ってるよ~ たまにお話
Talking broadcast app -Let’s chat or sing with me!-↓
ツイキャスTwitCasting: https://twitcasting.tv/c:oceanshioncas

ここでは歌ってるよ!I am singing sometimes here, in this app↓
REALITY: https://reality.app/profile/0203c150?adj_t=8ogcewh_z9yhix5